Ever wondered who you truly are? If you had to answer the question “who are you?” what would your version sound like?

Would you run through a checklist of your physical attributes, your financial status or maybe your lifetime achievements?

Or perhaps your response would be an uncertain murmur, that says “Well, I’m not quite sure.” Either way, a confident checklist of your accomplishments or an unsure musing, doesn’t begin to reveal who you truly are at the core.

Don’t get me wrong, it is great to take stock of the good stuff and recognize our wins, but it is much greater to give your attention to the aspect of “YOU” that is not wrapped up in the amount of money in your bank account; no matter how big or small, or your job title or lack of it. In other words, the external factors is not a mirror reflection of who you are, even though society often times imposes this belief, leaving many feeling stuck, and allowing their circumstances determine their worth and abilities.

But here’s the thing, once you truly know who you are on the inside, you cease to be defined by your external situations. You’ll realize that, regardless of the circumstances, you have the strength to remain true to yourself, you’ll also come to realize that it’s not about what life throws at you; it’s about unlocking that part of you that needs to evolve to reveal your authentic self.

So let’s get back to the question at hand, “who are you?” To answer this question, let’s first carry out some house cleaning on who we are not.

You are NOT limited to who you’ve been, neither are you limited to society’s limited constructs of who you can be or cannot be.

In fact, you are anything BUT limited.

You are not who your past failures or even successes suggest you are, and you are definitely not the trauma that befell you.

So, who then are you?

You are the POSSIBILITY of all that is!

“All that is” is not limited to only all that has been experienced so far, but also all that could ever be. Each of us carries possibilities capable of changing life as we know it today. You are a unique expression of God here on earth with a purpose to transform your live and the lives of others through your special gifts and talents.

Think of some of your favorite superhero characters. At the beginning of the movie, you’ll almost always find the superhero living an average or less than average life. Despite possessing incredible power within, this superhero continues to show up less than.

However, the moment they begin to step out of the limiting beliefs they’ve held and allow themselves embrace their true identity, their transformation to the greater version of themselves begins to take place.

This is a metaphor for our own lives.

We too often go through life only seeing ourselves through the lens of our past experiences, or maybe through the lens of who our parents, teachers, or friends have labeled us to be.

Yet we all carry so much potential and ability, much greater than we’ve given ourselves the right to exercise.

A few months ago, i made a pact with myself not to limit myself to who or how I showed up the day before. There is nothing that says “because i showed up this way yesterday, so i have to be the same way or do the same things”. This thinking pattern has given me much freedom to expand my thinking, behavior, and essentially how I view my life. Do i fall back to old patterns, yes i do, but i’m also grateful for the changes made so far.

Life and creation are about growth and evolution, so allow yourself to go on a journey of discovery, growth, and evolution.

So, who are you? That’s an adventure I’ll let you seek out yourself, but remember it’s not based on your circumstances. As for me, I like to say who I am is made up of God’s own Spirit of power, love, and mind.

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